Sergei Evglevski
Sport / Discipline
Birth Place
Date of Birth
Gold Coast, 2018
Results History
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Additional Information
Languages Spoken:
Are you a citizen of a country other than Australia? If yes, please provide details?
yes, Belarus
Education Details:
berwick college year 12 vce pass
Club details:
yarra pistol club, melbourne, australia
Why did you begin your sport?
i began my sport because my whole family is obsessed with shooting. My mums life was all about shooting and my dads life is all about fixing guns. every since i was little i always wanted to start shooting
Do you have any pre-competition routines or rituals?
not really. i just like to keep to myself, listen to my music and focus on what i need to do that day.
What is your most memorable sporting achievement?
for me it would be medalling consistenly at junior all the junior world cups i attended
Who is your hero / idol, and why? Have you ever met them?
for shooting, my personal idol would have to be my parents. To have so much dedication for the sport and for it to be in their life for nearly as long as they have lived is insanely inspiring. However for life my idol would be the rock, the fact that he can do so much and inspire so many people is crazy
Who has been the most influential person or people in your career and why?
in my career my mother would be the most influential. she is known around the world for her shooting. shes a legend in the shooting world and i hope to one day get on that level
Do you have any hobbies away from your sport?
my hobbies outside of shooting would be catching up with mates. im also a massive movie buff and love watching movies and tv shows
What is your sporting ambition?
my sporting ambition is to reach the peak of shooting. To win the olympic games, win world cups and win the commonwealth games