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Fearnley and Meares send the Queen’s baton on its way


Two Commonwealth Games stars, Kurt Fearnley and Anna Meares joined the Queen this morning at Buckingham Palace to launch the Queen’s Baton Relay for Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.

In an upbeat ceremony under the blue skies of London outside Buckingham Palace, thousands of people gathered to join in the countdown to the opening ceremony on April 4 next year.

Crowds cheered as Fearnley was escorted up The Mall by the Band of Scots Guards, before carrying the baton into the palace forecourt to begin the ceremony.

“That was hands-down the most humbling, the most unique experience of my life,’ he said.

“That was not reality for a while. It was an amazing experience.

“I love the idea that there’s one baton, one baton that goes from hand to hand across our Commonwealth that starts here with unique message from her Majesty and will end at the Gold Coast games.”

Meares was handed the baton after the Queen had placed her personal message to the athletes inside of it.

The Commonwealth Games gold medallist was joined by her former track cycling rival, Victoria Pendleton of the UK in cycling the Queen Victoria Monument before passing the baton on to Australian singer, Cody Simpson.

Simpson took front seat in a blue Kombi van fit with a surfboard on top, to deliver the baton to Westminster Abbey for the Commonwealth Day Service.

The baton will now embark on a 388-day journey around all the Commonwealth nations and territories.

It will arrive in Australia on Christmas day for a remaining 100-day tour, before making its way to the Gold Coast for the opening ceremony, when the Queen’s personal message will be read out.

Nominations for Local Hero baton bearers are still open, click here


Anna Meares carries the baton through the Buckingham Palace forecourt



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