Alexandra Kiroi-Bogatyreva
After claiming bronze in both the All-Around and Ball events at the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, Alexandra Kiroi-Bogatyreva (Rhythmic gymnastics) added a complete set of medals at her second Games in Birmingham: gold in Clubs, silver in the Team Event and bronze in the All-Around. Born in New Zealand, Alexandra began in the sport when her parents bought into a gym when she was six. She first trained at the Prahan Rhythmic Gymnastics club, working with Kateryna Logachova and she began competing internationally in 2013. Alexandra had a very successful junior career, consistently making the podium at Nationals, with 2017 reaping silver in the All-Around, gold in Clubs and bronze in both Hoop and Ball. That same year also saw her best international result, with gold in the All-Around, Club, Hoops and Ball at the Luxembourg Cup. Her move to senior competition saw her win gold in the Ribbon, silver in the Ball and bronze in both the Clubs and All-Around at the Australia Cup in 2018 and her selection to the 2018 Commonwealth Games team. After her performances at the 2019 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Baku, she qualified for the World Games in 2021 where she finished 60th in the individual All-Around, 73rd in the Hoop, 50th in the Ball, 64th in the Clubs and 49th in the Ribbon. Alexandra finished 12th in the All-Around at the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Tashkent in 2022.
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Club details:
Prahran Rythmyc Specialist Centre
Why did you begin your sport?
An elite sport and parents wanted to assist with my discipline
Do you have any pre-competition routines or rituals?
I have a towel that I rub my hands on and throw on the floor before comp. Also plenty of mental prep
What is your most memorable sporting achievement?
2015 Australian Gymnastics Champs won gold. Won all round gold
Who is your hero / idol, and why? Have you ever met them?
Yvgenia Kniva won all round in Beijing and London gold medallist
Who has been the most influential person or people in your career and why?
My parents. Mum and dad. They drive me to training My two coaches - Ekateryna Logachova and Valeriia Vatkina
Do you have any hobbies away from your sport?
Enjoy reading and spending time with my family and travelling
What is your sporting ambition?
Compete at Commonwealth Games. Tokyo 2020 and like to compete at my best and show my ability