Luke Willian
Sport / Discipline
Birth Place
Birth state
Date of Birth
Gold Coast, 2018
Results History
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Additional Information
Languages Spoken:
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Education Details:
Currently studying a Bachelor of Finance and Accounting at the Queensland University of Technology
Why did you begin your sport?
I began in triathlon when the kids on my street moved away and Mum said that we were able to do a sport over Summer. It came down to a couple of sports but my brother ultimately wanted to do triathlon so I did it too and it has led me down the path I am on today.
Do you have any pre-competition routines or rituals?
Not really I tend to just keep everything light hearted make some jokes and dance to the songs that are being played at the race. I am not very good at dancing but it gets me ready to race.
What is your most memorable sporting achievement?
Winning Mooloolaba World Cup 2017. The crowd and atmosphere was amazing and it will always be a special place to race for me.
Who is your hero / idol, and why? Have you ever met them?
My idol is Tim Duncan. 5 time NBA Champion he believed in always getting the fundamentals right and continually working to improve. I haven’t met him but one day I hope too.
Who has been the most influential person or people in your career and why?
I have had a couple. Tim George taught me a lot about racing especially from his experience of training with Jan Frodeno. Also, Ron Darmon, he became the first Israeli Triathlete to make the Olympic Games. Both these people mentored me through my development and taught me what was needed to do to eventually become the best.
Do you have any hobbies away from your sport?
I love playing Basketball. I quite often shoot the ball in my down time. You could say I’m never not balling.
What is your sporting ambition?
I want to represent Australia at the Commonwealth Games and Olympics and try and win them so I can be the best in the world.