• To Glasgow 2026


Patrick Tiernan

Sport / Discipline


Birth Place


Birth state


Date of Birth




Gold Coast, 2018

Results History


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Additional Information

Languages Spoken:


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Education Details:

Bachelor of Science, Major in Mathematics/Minor in Economics, Villanova University, Villanova, USA

Club details:

Melbourne Track Club, Melbourne, Australia

Why did you begin your sport?

I picked it up as a recreational sport when I was younger. My grade 4 PE teacher encouraged me to do a couple of fun runs on the weekends, and from there the sport just grew on me.

Do you have any pre-competition routines or rituals?

Not particularly! I enjoy listening to some more up-beat music about 2 hours out from my race, but all in all I do just enjoy going with the flow on race day.

What is your most memorable sporting achievement?

Winning the 4 x Mile relay at The Penn Relays in 2015 with three of my best mates.

Who is your hero / idol, and why? Have you ever met them?

My Nan will always be my hero. She's probably the bravest person I have ever met, and has always been so supportive of my career. The way she goes about her day to day life is how I aspire to be; kind, caring, and easy-going, just to name a few. These are characteristics that I try to apply to my own journey, and hopefully in a similar fashion.

Who has been the most influential person or people in your career and why?

My parents, my two coaches from back home (Tom Bradbury and Pat Clohessy), and my agent (Nic Bideau), have all had a large role in where I am today. However, the most influential person in my career so far would have to be my current coach and good mate, Marcus O'Sullivan. Having been a professional athlete himself, who followed a very similar path to get there, the advice and wisdom he has passed down to me is next to none. He keeps me level headed, but also shows me what I can do, and to have a guy like that in your corner is something special.

Do you have any hobbies away from your sport?

I enjoy reading novels, and golfing on occasion (not very well), but I wouldn't say I have any particular hobbies. I just enjoy keeping myself busy throughout the day, whether it be leisure or some form of work.

What is your sporting ambition?

The same as everyone else; to be the best that I can be, and to not settle for anything less. What that is yet, I'm not sure, but I'm sure we'll find out.


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