• To Glasgow 2026


Thomas Cicchini

Sport / Discipline


Birth Place


Birth state


Date of Birth




Gold Coast, 2018

Results History


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Additional Information

Languages Spoken:


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Education Details:

Graduated grade 12 at Marist College Ashgrove. Studied engineering for 2 years at UQ. Now studying Law and Business at QUT.

Club details:

Lang Park PCYC

Why did you begin your sport?

Family friends of ours did it and I really wanted to give it a go. From there it was never going to stop. Also loved WWE and kinda thought it was the same thing to start.

Do you have any pre-competition routines or rituals?

Not really, I just enjoy listening to music and relaxing.

What is your most memorable sporting achievement?

At my first international competition I suffered a knee injury early and still took home silver which i felt was amazing. Also the first time I won a National title was amazing.

Who is your hero / idol, and why? Have you ever met them?

In the sport of wrestling, Dan Gable is my all time favourite wrestler. He won an Olympic Gold Medal without conceding a single point. Also his teammates were looking for him at the after party, after someone found him they asked why he was going for a run as he just won Gold. His response was simple, the next olympics are only 4 years away.

Who has been the most influential person or people in your career and why?

My coaches obviously are amazing, they got me to where i need to be. Especially the coaches in Canada where I am currently training, they treat me like their own and I couldn't be more appreciative. However, without my parents, nothing would be possible, they support me in so many ways its ridiculous. I love them so much and just appreciate everything they can do.

Do you have any hobbies away from your sport?

I have always had a passion for WWE and still do, outside of wrestling one of my favourite things. Also, I love just about every sport, watching and playing them. However, just sitting down and relaxing with my mates is probably my favourite hobby. Love it more than anything, and how better to chill out?

What is your sporting ambition?

To make the Commonwealth Games, then take gold. From there I will win a world and Olympic Gold medal. The first Australian to do so.


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