GC2018 is just six months away - has your training ramped up?
It has been a tough few months juggling work, training and family commitments. Having competed at the Oceania Championships recently it has fired me up to get training back on track for our final selection trials in December.
Training will now definitely ramp up to 6 days a week.
What keeps you motivated?
Family and the competition. Being able to compete at a home Games in front of my family and especially my wife and three boys will be so special. Also, the thrill of competing at the Commonwealth Games keeps me going. It’s such a thrill and exciting moment. Something that is hard to give up.
Do you have a mentor?
It would have to be my coach Miles Wydall. He has been my coach for almost 20 years and has taken me through all the ups and downs weightlifting has to offer. He has helped by always being there and his awesome dedication to his athletes and sport.
Team selection for each sport has a different process - what events do you have left, to secure an Australian team nomination?
We have one event remaining for our selection process the Commonwealth Games Trials on 17 December in Sydney. We already have had three qualifying events this year which also count towards selection.
Have you had any setbacks over the past six months?
Earlier this year I tore my quad, a pretty important muscle for a weightlifter. It can be a tricky injury to come back from. The rehabilitation took a couple of months but my quad is all good now and ready to build up to out selection trials. Also I have returned to full time work this year. I am working as an estimator for a builder. Some of the weeks can be big working 50+ hours and can be difficult to fit in training and family around that. But it has been a good challenge and have enjoyed it so far.